Template:Philippine census reference/doc

Ini ing documentation subpage para king Template:Philippine census reference (see that page for the template itself).
Atin yang kabaluan (impormasyun), deng kategorya ampo reng aliwang laman tungkul king pamaggamit a yali parti ning original template page.

Usage mag-edit

This template required the first unnamed parameter, that is:

{{PH census|yyyy}}
where yyyy is the required year (any census year, 1903–2015)
{{PH census|current}}
which returns the reference for the latest census data. Thus new census data does not need changing in pages, for instance when new census (2015) changed from (2010).
NB current can be used only on a page whose wikidata entry includes a population statement, complete with qualifier P585 (point-in-time). The template returns the wikidata information for the supplied year.
  • {{PH census|2010}} produces [1]
  • {{PH census|current}} produces

An optional named parameter can be used to specify the region instead of default, for instance when the generic reference is needed instead of the region specific.

For all Philippine places, the PSGC is included in wikidata. Therefore the correct Region section is the first two digits of the PSGC code.
PSGC = rrppmmbbb, e.g. 072228003 –
rr region = 07 (Central Visayas),
pp province = 22 (Cebu),
mm municipality / city = 28 (Madridejos),
bbb barangay = 003 (Kaongkod).


  • {{PH census|current|17}} produces
  • {{PH census|2015|*}} produces [2]

  • Regions first came to existence on 24 sep 1972(24 sep 1972), when the provinces of the Philippines were organized into eleven regions. Earlier dates are extrapolated.
  • Negros Island Region, also abbreviated and officially designated as NIR (unofficially Region XVIII), was an administrative region in the Philippines which comprised the provinces of Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental both of which are part of the island of Negros. It existed only from 29 may 2015(29 may 2015) to 9 aug 2017(9 aug 2017).