Robert Wilson (director)

I Robert Wilson (míbait 4 ya ing Octubre 1941) métung yang Americanung director ning teatro ampóng dramaturgong (talasulat drama) ináus ning The New York Times a "[America]'s – or even the world's – foremost vanguard 'theater artist.Template:'"[1] Mégobra né múrin antimóng coreógrafo (choreographer), lálágé (performer), pintor, escultor, artistang video ampong mág-diseniung katnî ampóng sálâ (sound and lighting designer).

  1. John Rockwell (November 15, 1992). "Staging Painterly Visions", The New York Times, p. 23 (sect. 6). 
Robert Wilson
Mibait4 ya ing Octubre 1941 (edad 82)
Waco, Texas, Estados Unidos
Kapanintunan/propesionDirector ning teatro ampóng dramaturgo (talasúlat drama)