Mesoplodon traversii

Scientific classification
Kaarian: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Pinduan: Mammalia
Orden: Cetacea
Suborder: Odontoceti
Familia: Ziphidae
Genus: Mesoplodon
Species: M. traversii
Binomial name
Mesoplodon traversii
Ing lugal a tutuknangan ning Mesoplodon traversii
Ing lugal a tutuknangan ning Mesoplodon traversii

Ing Mesoplodon traversii metung yang species ning beaked whale a ditak la mu reng makakilala, at metung kareng pekamalagad.Minuna yang miulat uli ning pangatuklas ning dake ning panga king Pitt Island (New Zealand) anyang 1872, at miulat ya ampong ginulis larawan anyang 1873 neng James Hector, at dininan deng pamanalese/pamaglarawan John Edward Gray, at pekilagyu ne kang Henry Hammersley Travers, ing menikwa.[1][2] Kaybat, mibilang ya king strap-toothed whale, manibat 1878 (Hector 1878, who never considered the specimen to be specifically distinct).[3] Ing metung a dake ning bungu (calvaria) a meyakit anyang dekada 1950 king White Island (a atsu murin New Zealand) e re alarawan anyang mumuna, dapot kaybat peniwalan deng mabibilang king ginkgo-toothed beaked whale.[4]

Anyang 1986, meyakit ya ing maki sirang calvaria king [[Robinson Crusoe Island]] (Chile), at milarawan ya antimong bayung species, ing Mesoplodon bahamondi o Bahamonde's beaked whale.[5]

Kanitang Diciembre 2010, meyakit la reng adwang animal, metung a gaindu ampong metung a biseru, a mikalat king Opape Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Anyang mumuna, kinilala da lang Gray's beaked whale, oneng kaybat, agpang king pamag-analisang genetic, mebalung ila ing mumunang kumpletung alimbawa ning spade-toothed whale o Mesoplodon traversii.[6] Following this find, a report describing the spade-toothed whale and an analysis of their DNA later appeared in the 6 November 2012 issue of the journal Current Biology.Cite error: Invalid parameter in <ref> tag

Agpang kareng resulta da reng atlung atuklasan, kayabe la ngan deti king pareung species, at uli na niti ituring da lang M. traversii.[7] Milarawan ya mu ing pangkilwal a itsura anyang 2012, anya mapalyaring ini ing pekaditak impormasyun king maragul a mammal ning panaun a makabayu.

Lon la murin



  1. Hector, James (1873). "On the whales and dolphins of the New Zealand seas.". Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 5: 154-170. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. Retrieved on 6 November 2012. 
  2. Gray, John Edward (1874). "[ Notes on Dr Hector's paper on the whales and dolphins of the New Zealand seas.]". Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 6: 93-97. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. Retrieved on 6 November 2012. 
  3. Hector, James (1878). "Notes on the whales of the New Zealand Seas.". Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 10: 331-343. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. Retrieved on 6 November 2012. 
  4. {{cite journal |last1=Baker |first1=Alan N. |last2=van Helden |first2=Anton L. |year=1999 |title=New records of beaked whales, Genus Mesoplodon, from New Zealand (Cetacea: Ziphiidae). |journal='Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand |volume=29 |issue=3 |pages=235–244 |publisher= |doi= |url= |accessdate=6 November 2012}}
  5. Reyes, J.C.; van Waerebeek, K; Cárdenas J.C. & Yáñez, J.L. (1995): Mesoplodon bahamondi sp.n. (Cetacea, Ziphiidae), a new living beaked whale from the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile. Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 45: 31–44.
  6. Platt, John R. [ Amazing: Rarest Whale Seen for First Time in History, but Not at Sea]. Scientific American Blogs, 5 November 2012.
  7. van Helden, Anton L.; Baker, Alan N.; Dalebout, Merel L.; Reyes, Julio C.; van Waerebeek, Koen & Baker, C. Scott (2002): Resurrection of Mesoplodon traversii (Gray, 1874), senior synonym of M. bahamondi Reyes, van Waerebeek, Cárdenas and Yáñez, 1995 (Cetacea: Ziphiidae). Marine Mammal Science 18(3):609-621. [ PDF fulltext]

Karagdagang babasan

  • (2002) Encyclopedia of Marine

Mammals. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-551340-2. 

  • Reeves, Randall R. (1994). Dolphins, porpoises and whales: 1994-98

Action plan for the conservation of cetaceans. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. ISBN 2-8317-0189-9. 

Suglung palwal


CMS] Archived Disyembri 21, 2004 at the Wayback Machine

of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region]

World’s rarest whale seen for first time: Spade-toothed whale]
